Thursday, April 3, 2008

March Madness Heading into April

March has been a crazy month here. Every weekend was taken over by fun activities.

Horseshows, Keith and Shaleah came to visit, and most recently, my mom was here.

She came for a quick visit during her spring break. We drank a TON of coffee, 
did some shopping, took a few riding lessons, and went to the botanical gardens to see the butterfly display.

While she was here, she also became disgusted that Jeffrey was sitting on a hard metal folding chair to study. Immediately putting me in a harsh crappy light as "uncaring, callous Jeffrey monitor" I quickly jumped in that I had offered on many occasions to go out an purchase a more appropriate sitting device for a studying crazy person and had been rebuffed many, many times.

But it seems, as long as it isn't me making the suggestion (he never takes my advice!) it's gold!

So here is Jeffrey and his new mother-in-law-enforced chair:

And my dress for the spring law student gala 

thingy (Anthro for $40? What!?):

It was a great mom visit!


  1. That is a fine lookin' white-legged man in a fine lookin' black-legged chair. Thanks again, Susan!

  2. I'm glad you are back to blogging! That dress is super cute!

  3. Ooooh, supercute dress :) I can't wait to wear fun stuff again!!!
