Saturday, April 4, 2009


The Palo Verde's in Tucson are in bloom and I'm dosed up on Walgreen's brand Zyrtec and feeling pretty good.

I went out with my friend Julie to do The "turquoise" trail around the downtown Presidio neighborhood. The trail is a loop around the historic district where the Old Pueblo used to be.

The first stop was a chunk of the old original fort built by war lords (or not, there were live re-enactors there and they were blocking the signage. We don't go near re-enactors. So we had to wait until one of the popped away for water before we could check out the barracks.)

But I did snap a shot of Julie pretending to discuss politics with the local mural men.

And this awesome sign advertising that this old hotel has a swimming pool — refrigerated!

It was a nice breezy day and despite everything in downtown Tucson being closed so that we couldn't get food and water while lost on the trail ...

It was a great walk in a cool part of town on a beautiful day.

Jeffrey was home studying.


  1. Enjoyed the pix--will have to do "the trail" next time I visit. Picture of real person talking to mural people especially cool. Hope all is well and you can keep those allergies under control!!!
    Terry G.

  2. This is very cool! I came across your blogs via Monica Surfaro Spigelman.

    Do you know about POP UP SPACES and The Burrito Files
    2 downtown art initiatives i'm involved with.

    also, do you know about Tu Scene?

    we should connect!

  3. Palo Verdes...that's what those damned trees were in AZ!
